Welcome to Algomedica

Algomedica is an innovative startup focused on providing tools for doctors and patients.

For many years, technical director in an IT Company. Technology enthusiast focused on bioinformatics and usability issues and bringing advanced medical research tools to doctors and useful apps to patients.


  • You can create Your own action sequences or use predefined sequences made ready by our specialists.

  • A sequence is a set of actions for medical data processing needed to get a result. E.g. You can create sequences for calculating medical indicators or evaluating medicines and therapies basing on medical data.

  • You can also create therapy templates which can be then individually adapted to patient.

  • It is possible to collect feedback from the patient if You want to. You can check how the patient is following therapy recommendations.
  • And finally, You can analyze the patient data or make aggregated analysis for diseases, medicines etc.

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